Hinchingbrooke Pathology

Hinchingbrooke Pathology User Guide
Quality Assurance and Accreditation
The Hinchingbrooke Blood Sciences laboratory is not currently BS EN ISO :15189:2022 accredited, this is actively being worked towards and an application has been made to UKAS.
Quality Assurance
In order to ensure the quality of our service the department participates in a number of external quality assurance schemes (EQA) including:
United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Scheme (UK NEQAS):
- Thyroid – TSH, FT3, FT4
- Haematinics – B12, Serum folate, ferritin
- Vitamin D
- Fluids
- Interpretive comments
- Pre and Post analytical quality monitoring
- Tumour markers – CA125
- THCG and CEA
- CSF – CSP Protein and Glucose
Haematology and Coagulation
- Full Blood Count
- Automated Differential Leucocyte Count, including Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count
- Reticulocyte Count
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Blood Films Morphology, Manual Differential and Parasites Identification
- Rapid Diagnostic Test for Malaria
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Abnormal Haemoglobins – sickle only
- Blood Coagulation Main Scheme
Blood Transfusion
- Foetal Maternal Haemorrhage
- Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice
Rapid Covid Service
- Molecular Detection of SARS-CV2
Welsh External Quality Assurance Scheme (WEQAS)
- General Chemistry including eGFR
- Serum Indices
- Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)
- Lipids
- Urines
- Paediatric Bilirubin
- Ammonia
- Drugs of Abuse – Urine Drug Screen
- Therapeutic drugs – Gentamicin, Vancomycin, Digoxin, Theophylline
- Toxicology – Paracetamol, Salicylate, Ethanol
- Cardiac Markers – Troponin
Uncertainty of measurement
Medical testing gives results that are subject to a degree of variability. This can be due to biological variation, analytical variation, or other factors such as poor specimen collection, delays in transport, clerical and reporting errors. It is important to identify and minimise these factors. Information regarding factors known to affect Haematology test performance can be found in the Sample Acceptance Criteria section.
Biological variation can be random in nature; can be cyclical over the period of a day, month or longer; or can be due to differences in gender, age, or other discriminators. The latter can be accounted for by establishing different reference ranges where necessary across different demographic groups.
Analytical variation represents the degree to which a reported result may deviate from the true result. Small changes to variables such as temperature, volume and composition of reagent and sample aliquot, and electromagnetic interference can cause small variations in the detected value of assay results. The laboratory regularly assays internal quality control (IQC) materials in order to ensure the performance of our assays on a day-to-day basis.
If you would like more detailed information on our performance for a particular analyte, or for more information on Uncertainty of Measurement please contact the department on extension 6151.
For any further information regarding UoM please contact the laboratory.