Amino Acids

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Amino Acids
Amino Acids, plasma, urine, urea cycle, AMINP, AMINU, metabolic screen

Blood - li-hep plasma (orange bottle), Urine - 20ml universal container. Store refridgerated prior to referral

Please note: serum (brown bottle) is not a suitable specimen type

This test is referred to another centre: Department of Clinical Chemistry
Level 4
Addenbrookes Hospital NHS Trust [TPP]
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 2QQ
Tel: 01223 217157
Fax: 01223 216520

Expected turnaround time: 6 weeks

Used in the the investigation of amino acid disorders, including urea cycle defects and some organic acid disorders.

Please note: Urine amino acids is no longer used as a metabolic screen (please use plasma amino acids). It is available for the investigation of renal transport disorders (e.g. cystinuria), the assessment of renal tubular dysfunction (e.g. Fanconi syndrome, mitochondrial disease) and for some other specific disorders (e.g. hypophosphatasia).

Contact referral laboratory
Contact referral laboratory