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Serum (brown),Plasma (orange)
Because of the scarcity of specific clinical symptoms of pancreatic diseases, amylase determinations are of considerable importance in pancreatic diagnostics. They are mainly used in the diagnosis and monitoring of acute pancreatitis. Hyperamylasaemia does not, however, only occur with acute pancreatitis or in the inflammatory phase of chronic pancreatitis, but also in renal failure (reduced glomerular filtration), tumours of the lungs or ovaries, pulmonary inflammation, diseases of the salivary gland, diabetic ketoacidosis, cerebral trauma, surgical interventions or in the case of macroamylasaemia.
Icodextrin-based drugs may lead to decreased amylase results. Interference with the anticoagulants citrate, fluoride, and EDTA has been noted. Macro-enzymes are a potential cause of falsely low and high results and can be investigated by measuring urinary amylase.
<100 U/L