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Key Words


Specimen Collection

Serum (brown), Plasma (orange)

Turnaround Time


Test Indications

Cancer antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) is used as a tumour marker for pancreatic cancer. Its use in diagnosis is restricted to patients in whom pancreatic disease is strongly suspected, where it may complement other diagnostic procedures. It can be used in prognosis, detecting recurrence, and also for monitoring treatment (especially after chemotherapy alongside imaging).


No known common methodological interferences. Concentrations can be elevated in colorectal, gastric, hepatocellular, oesophageal and ovarian cancers. Raised concentrations are seen in benign conditions such as acute cholangitis, acute or chronic pancreatitis, cholestasis, chronic liver disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and jaundice.

3-7% if the population have the Lewis a-negative/b-negative blood group configuration and are unable to express the mucin with the reactive determinant CA19-9, which must be taken into account when interpreting results.

Reference Range

Less than 27 U/mL

Analytical Error


Reference Change Value


Minimum retesting interval

Requests made within 14 days of a previous request on a patient are intervened